
每次考完英文,有人心情是out of this world、有人卻想“離開這個世界”。 蛤?原來這意思是不一樣的嗎?

out of 是離開、world是世界,但 out of this world 的意思是什麼呢?
會介紹這個俚語給大家,那 out of this world 肯定就不是“離開這個世界”的意思囉!

之前我們有和大家分享過 out of the woods,表面意思是“離開樹林”,但延伸的含義是“脫離險境”。

今天,我們就一起來學習更多【out of + 名詞】這種形式的固定片語吧!

01  out of this world

out of this world
正確的意思是:令人激動、精彩極了、絕妙的,特別是在形容音樂、電影的時候常用的片語。也可以用 out of this world 來形容一頓非常精美的晚餐男女之間也可以用 out of this world 來形容對方


I think this movie is out of this world -- maybe the best movie ever made!


Your girlfriend is really out of this world.


02   out of the picture

Out of the picture
按字面來理解是某人不在那張照片裡,不過當 out of the picture 作為習慣用語時,它的意思是指「某人不再出現,或者退出參與某個專案或計畫了」。


Thank God the old man is out of the picture at last -- he should have retired ten years ago!


03   out of their mind

如果你說某人out of one's mind,你的意思是他失去理智了。


You spent five hundred pounds on a jacket! Are you out of your mind?


但如果 out of one’s mind 後面接的是 with worry, grief, fear, bored 等情感,那意思就是形容“非常擔心、悲傷、害怕、無聊等”,也就是擔心、悲傷、害怕、無聊地要發瘋了的意思

She's out of her mind with worry; her husband left the hotel this morning and hasn't been seen since.


04  out of one's depth

這個片語 out of (one's) depth 可能比較好理解一點,就像字面的意思 “超出某人的深度”,也就是指“超出某人的能力或知識範圍”。


I asked Alex to consult on this project because it's a bit out of my depth.


05  out of one's hands  

out of (one's) hands


I submitted my application, so it's really out of my hands now.


06  out of (one's) hair

這個片語直接從字面上翻譯,就比較無法理解它的真正意思。其實out of (one's) hair 是指“不再是某人的責任或負擔,或停止妨礙或干擾某人”。

I've gotten the kids out of my hair for a few hours so I can go and get a relaxing massage by myself.
