
lose touch是 “失去聯繫”,lose his touch竟然不是 “失去他的聯繫”?


例如 lose touch 這個片語。lose是丟失、失去的意思;touch是接觸的意思,lose touch就是逐漸失去聯絡

而與之相反的,get in touch就是“取得聯絡”;如果聯繫一直沒有中斷,就是keep in touch / remain in touch“保持聯絡”

01   lose one’s touch   

但是!如果在 lose 和  touch 之間加入主詞 / 代名詞,意思就完全不一樣了。

lose one’s touch的意思是指:不再擅長做某事或與某人相處

He used to be one of the league's elite shooters, but it seems like he's lost his touch.


The students no longer listen to my threats—I must be losing my touch.


02   be out of touch with

be out of touch with (someone or something)
當然有“與某人一段時間未聯繫”的意思。但 be out of touch with 還有另一層涵意是指:缺少資訊,或是對他人的需求和關注缺乏理解


Slashing the company's insurance policy shows that the CEO is totally out of touch with the needs of his workers.


03   touch a nerve  

如果你提到的某件事“touch a nerve”,說明你提到了一個讓對方非常敏感、反應強烈的話題,也就是所謂的“踩到雷點”,你也可以用 strike / hit a nerve 來表示。


Your column must have hit a nerve, because we are getting slammed with feedback from readers—and they're not happy.


04   be a nice touch  

be a nice touch


They used a collage of pictures from all our travels together to create the centerpiece. That's a nice touch!


05   touch and go  

如果某件事的結果不能確定、不可判斷,可能還十分危險,可以用 touch and go 這個片語來表示。但是要注意,如果在名詞前使用,則需要使用連字號。


The doctors said it was touch and go at points during surgery, but he pulled through and expected to make a full recovery.


It was a touch-and-go match from beginning to end, but fortunately we were able to pull ahead in the last few minutes.


06   everything (one) touches turns to gold  



The company has seen incredible profits since the hiring of the new creative director. So far everything he touches has turned to gold!
