
雅思口說|口說語料庫【Part 3:情緒(一)】


1. confront problems 面臨問題

Emotional Intelligence is the quality that enables us to confront with patience, insight and imagination the many problems that we face in our affective relationship with ourselves and with others. 

情感智力(EI) 可以幫助我們用耐心、洞察力和想像力來解決我們待人處事中的許多問題

2. navigate well around a particular set of challenges 面對挑戰能掌握正確的方法

Every sort of intelligence signals an ability to navigate well around a particular set of challenges: mathematical, linguistic, technical, commercial… When we say that someone is clever but add that they have made a mess of their personal lives; or that they have acquired a fortune but are restless and sad or that they are powerful but intolerant and unimaginative, we are pointing to a deficit in what deserves to be called Emotional Intelligence.


3. a sensitivity to the moods of others 體恤別人的心情

4. grasp the surprising things that may be going on for them beneath the surface 把握那些在表面之下發生的事情

In social life, we can feel the presence of Emotional Intelligence in a sensitivity to the moods of others and in a readiness to grasp the surprising things that may be going on for them beneath the surface.  


5. recognises a role for interpretation 承認詮釋的重要性
6. fiery outburst  火氣;激烈的爆發

7. a disguised plea for help 偽裝的求助信號

8. a political rant 對時政的發洩

9. a forceful jolliness  強顏歡笑

Emotional Intelligence recognises a role for interpretation and knows that a fiery outburst might be a disguised plea for help, that a political rant may be provoked by hunger and that concealed within a forceful jolliness may be a sorrow that has been sentimentally disavowed. 情感智力承認詮釋的重要性並且知道火氣也許只是偽裝的求助信號對時政的發洩可能來自於一個空肚皮,而強顏歡笑……只是被拋棄的痛苦。

10. shows up in a scepticism around our emotions 對我們自己感情的懷疑

11. envy 嫉妒

12. anxiety 焦慮

In relation to ourselves, Emotional Intelligence shows up in a scepticism around our emotions, especially those of love, desire, anger, envy, anxiety and professional ambition.  情感智力是對我們自己感情的懷疑,特別是愛、渴望、憤怒、嫉妒、焦慮和專業期許。